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Mold Table Mounting Systems

Mold Table Mounting Carrosel




Mold Table Mounting System Options

The Wagstaff® Mold Table Mounting System provides rigid mounting support for the mold table. Each system is specifically designed and engineered to fit existing or newly ordered mold tables. Several types of mounting systems are available depending upon customer needs and casthouse requirements.

Customer preferences and casting pit equipment arrangement are considered when determining the most appropriate mounting system. Other auxiliary pit equipment is also available to support the casting operation.

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Standard Tilt System

The standard tilt system consists of two arms, protruding above floor level, connected to a common pivot tube below floor level. Each arm is powered by a suitably sized hydraulic cylinder. The machined tops of the arms have bolt holes and alignment pins for mounting the mold table.

Cooling water is supplied through the water swivel joint with a wet tilt system. Field piping is connected to the water swivel through a flexible flanged connection. Cooling water flows through the pivot tube, into the tilt arms, and then into the mold table. All water passages are sized for the maximum flow requirement. A remotely operated valve, mounted to the tilt system water entry, drains cooling water from the mold table at the end of a cast.



Rolling Carriage Mounting System

Wagstaff’s rolling carriage systems utilize a motor-driven steel table mounting frame riding on an embedded rail system that allows the mold table to be safely rolled away from the casting pit, allowing pit stripping and table maintenance to take place simultaneously while enhancing personel safety.  Hydraulic or electric motors move the carriage by providing direct drive to two of the carriage wheels, and are fitted with shields to protect from possible metal spills during casting.



Reverse Tilt System

Wagstaff’s Reverse Tilt System utilizes a combination of hydraulic tilt arms and an embedded rail system to raise and rotate the mold table up and away from the open pit, positioning the mold side of the table away from pit stripping activities. This unique design allows table maintenance to take place concurrent with billet removal while enhancing personnel safety.Optional motor-driven rolling pit covers and elevating mold table maintenance platforms provide even further efficiencies and safety.

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Wagstaff, Inc.
3910 North Flora Road
Spokane Valley, WA 99216 USA
Phone: 1(509) 922-1404
Fax: 1(509) 924-0241

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