
Wagstaff embraces sustainability in all aspect of business, especially environmental, economic, and workforce sustainability.  Wagstaff's manufacturing facilities use best industry practices to minimize environmental impact.  Many practices that are good for the environment are also sound business practices.  Some of those practices, and their impacts, are listed below:

  • Coolant Recycling.  All of the coolant used in our machining centers is filtered and reused.
  • Scrap Recycling.  All scrap, including machined chips, are sorted by material type and recycled.  When possible, scrap is returned directly to the raw material supplier to minimize handling and transportation impacts.
  • Energy Efficient Lighting.  Where possible, all light fixtures have been fitted with energy efficient bulbs.
  • Automatic Light Sensors.  Where practical, all lights are turned on and off by occupancy sensors.

At Wagstaff, an important aspect of sustainability focuses on employees.  From cultivating new potential hires, to maintaining employee safety and morale, through celebrating retirement, Wagstaff values employee well-being and sustainability.  While this is difficult to quantify, the effects are readily apparent at Wagstaff.  One anecdotal measurement of the success is that the average length of employment for welders at Wagstaff is over 17 years.  The following list gives some specific examples of how Wagstaff creates employee sustainability:

  • Workforce Creation.  Wagstaff has relationships with several local trade programs and facilitates internships for young machinists.
  • Workforce Development.  Wagstaff has an education program for any employee who wishes to further his/her formal education.
  • Workforce Safety.  Safety is the single most important consideration at Wagstaff.  Wagstaff has a full time Safety Manager, fully implemented Safety Manual, and Safety training program.
  • Workforce Health and Wellness:  Wagstaff has a comprehensive health insurance program that is second to none.  Wagstaff has a complete wellness program that provides employees with motivation, tools, and support for healthier lives. 

Defining Sustainability

"Sustainability" is a broad reaching term that applies to how businesses and governments try to preserve environmental, social, and economic health.  The United Nation's 1987 Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future described sustainable development as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the well-being of future generations.  That definition continually evolves as the need for sustainability moves into new political or economic environments.  The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website furthers the definition of "sustainability" by  saying that "To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations."  The EPA further enhances that definition in light of manufacturing businesses by saying that "Sustainable manufacturing is the creation of manufactured products through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. Sustainable manufacturing also enhances employee, community and product safety."  Wagstaff approaches sustainable manufacturing exactly this way.

Wagstaff, Inc.
3910 North Flora Road
Spokane Valley, WA 99216 USA
Phone: 1(509) 922-1404
Fax: 1(509) 924-0241

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